Accessibility Statement

This is the accessibility statement for the Boston Golf Website. If you have any questions or comments, you are welcome to email our Webmaster.

Access Keys

Most browsers support jumping to specific links by typing keys defined on the web site. For more information on using Access keys, consult your browser documentation.

You can quickly navigate our website using the following access keys:

  • S - Skip navigation
  • t - Skip to top
  • 0 - Access key list
  • 1 - Home

Standards Compliance

All pages on the site have been built to W3C guidelines and validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict.

All pages on this site use structured semantic markup. This means that the appropriate HTML tags have been used to describe the content within them, such as <h2> heading tags for subtitles.


Links are written to make sense when removed from the context of the rest of the sentence or page containing them.


All content images used in this site include descriptive ALT attributes. Purely decorative images are not included in the body of the document and are handled by CSS. In a CSS-free environment, only content relevant images will be displayed. In a text-only environment, content images are replaced by their defined ALT text.

Visual design

This site uses CSS for visual layout.

The site uses only relative font sizes, compatible with the user-specified "text size" option in visual browsers.

If your browser or browsing device does not support stylesheets at all, the content of each page is still readable.